16. Mai 2023
Lesezeit: 2
CIJ Awards 2022
For the second year in a row, TPA Slovakia defended the Best Tax & Financial Advisory category and won the prestigious CIJ Awards 2022
TPA Slovakia participated at the CIJ Awards 2022 Gala Dinner, which took place on 22 November at the Radisson BLU Carlton Hotel in Bratislava. Mária Janušková, Klaus Krammer and Peter Ďanovský, partners of TPA, accepted the award of the BEST TAX & FINANCIAL ADVISORY category winner for 2022 on behalf of the company.
The CIJ Awards is the longest running commercial real estate awards event in Slovakia. Their aim is to promote business and networking activities of clients. In selecting finalists, consideration is given to contribution to the industry as a whole, as well as fairness at work and respect for the environment. The actual winners are decided not only by an independent jury, which is composed of CEOs, professionals and partners working in the development and real estate industry, but also by the professional public.
The CIJ Award has been presented for many years and in several countries around the world. The Best Tax & Financial Advisory category has been awarded in Slovakia for only the second time and it is therefore a great honour for us to have won it again.
„TPA Slovakia hat die Kategorie Best Tax & Financial Advisory zum zweiten Mal in Folge gewonnen. Wir freuen uns sehr über den Sieg bei den CIJ Awards 2022, denn er ist eine Anerkennung unserer langjährigen Arbeit und der Bemühungen aller unserer Mitarbeiter. Es bestätigt auch, dass wir in der Lage sind, unseren Kunden Dienstleistungen von höchster Qualität zu bieten „. führte Klaus Krammer zum Erhalt der Auszeichnung an.