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Summer Tips

Summer Tips

How TPA Colleagues Spend Their Leisure Time

In today’s hectic times, as the pace of life is constantly accelerating, it’s becoming ever more important to find a balance between our working and personal lives. Our employees are increasingly aware of the need to rest and refresh their energy outside of work. So, what do they do to recharge their batteries and improve their well-being?

Active Relaxation: Sport and Movement

Many of our colleagues choose sport and physical activity as their main form of relaxation. Jogging, cycling, yoga and going to the gym are all ways of relieving everyday stress. Many ride their bikes or walk to work while listening to podcasts or good music without realising that they are not only improving their health, but also helping the environment and reducing CO2. We at TPA also pay heed to ESG. Sports activities help to improve our physical condition as well as relax the mind and relieve accumulated stress. What are the most popular sports at TPA? Running – we have a successful runner among us who brings home one medal after another from various events, but there’s also cycling, fitness, hiking, various forms of aerobics, Tabata and, of course, badminton. The TPA badminton tournament is held every year together with our Czech colleagues, and the performances of auditors and tax specialists have to be seen to be believed! Our value is teamwork.

Cultural Experiences: Art and Culture

Theatres, cinemas, galleries and concerts – these are some of the other popular ways in which our colleagues spend their leisure time. These activities offer an escape into a world of imagination, inspiration and creative thinking. Cultural experiences not only broaden our horizons, but also provide important emotional support and relaxation. At TPA, we are both active and passive participants in cultural life. Active in that we take part directly by playing the piano or guitar or dancing at the Year in Review event or the Christmas party. Passive in that we enjoy the arts at the theatre, the cinema or other cultural events. And you will always hear your colleagues’ reviews the next day over your morning coffee, so you’ll know what’s worth seeing.

Volunteering: Community Activities

Volunteering and community work offer a unique opportunity to spend your free time in a meaningful way, to fill your life with new experiences and at the same time to contribute to a better world. These activities not only enrich those who are being helped, but also brings deep satisfaction and a sense of belonging to those doing the helping. At TPA, we also think of people in need, and this is why we dedicate a portion of our professional activities to non-profit organisations pro bono. Our value is humanity.

Travelling: Discovering New Places

Travelling is one of the most attractive ways to spend your free time. Whether it’s weekend trips, long holidays or day trips, exploring new places and cultures gives employees a sense of adventure and freedom. Travelling helps us to disconnect from our daily routines, gain new experiences and return to our work with new energy and inspiration. TPA also offers its employees the possibility of a sabbatical, which can be used for travelling, learning or gaining new experiences.

Family and Friends: Shared Moments

Spending time with family and friends is an indispensable part of many people’s leisure time. Shared dinners, picnics, family outings or just quiet evenings at home help strengthen interpersonal relationships and provide important emotional support. Quality time spent with loved ones helps build strong and healthy relationships, which are the foundation of a happy life. Our TPA employees have a lot of children, and it’s great to see that their numbers continue to grow. Of course, we care deeply about them and prepare fun events for them, such as our popular St Nicholas Party.

Personal Development: Courses and Hobbies

Our employees are increasingly attending courses and workshops to learn something new or develop their hobbies. Language classes, cooking classes, painting classes or playing a musical instrument are great ways to spend your free time in a meaningful way. At TPA, we have many creative souls and excellent cooks and bakers. There’s nothing better than being in the office on a Monday morning enjoying a slice of a colleague’s home-baked cake. Personal development and the learning of new skills bring a sense of satisfaction and self-fulfilment. Whether it’s improving your qualifications or learning new skills that may seem unrelated to your job, at TPA we recognise that our most important asset is our people, our employees. That’s why we welcome personal development. Our value is professionalism.

Digital Detox: Escaping Technology

In an era when we’re constantly connected to the internet and mobile devices, more and more people are choosing to undergo a digital detox. Turning off your phone, avoiding social media and spending time in a natural environment or with a book are great ways to take a break from the constant barrage of information and to focus on the present moment. Not only will our eyes thank us, but we will also gain some perspective.

Wellness: Meditation

Meditation, the ancient practice of calming the mind and focusing, offers an effective way to achieve a deep sense of relaxation and harmony. More and more people are discovering the benefits of meditation, which not only helps to reduce stress and anxiety but also promotes overall mental and physical health. Our colleagues meditate either as part of their yoga sessions or on our great terrace, which offers fantastic views. It’s okay to close your eyes for a while even while working on your PC, especially if you are looking at a spreadsheet with row upon row of figures. Our auditors and accountants know this all too well.

Our Menagerie: We Love Animals

Animals play a much bigger role in our lives than we often realise. Whether it’s dogs, cats or other pets, our loyal friends bring us joy, companionship and often new ways to spend our free time. Caring for animals and doing activities together can be not only fun, but also very beneficial for our physical and mental health. The TPA menagerie consists primarily of dogs, cats, hamsters and mice, but you will also find among us lovers of horses, fish and even snakes and spiders! Ugh!

Gardening and Nature: Contact with Nature

Gardening and spending time in natural surroundings are increasingly popular ways to relax. Working in the garden, tending plants or walking in the woods helps to relax the mind and restore a sense of calm. Contact with nature has a positive effect on the mind and brings a sense of harmony and balance. We are always delighted when someone brings the fruit of their gardening labours to our kitchenette. It has become a tradition at TPA to organise team-building activities together in the great outdoors. This was no accident. A balance between office life and nature can uncover new insights, hidden talents and dormant emotions. The colour green is said to be calming. TPA’s corporate colour is green. Coincidence?

Leisure time is crucial for employees who wish to maintain a healthy lifestyle and overall well-being. Whatever form of relaxation our colleagues choose, it’s important that they find time for activities that are fulfilling and help them recharge their batteries. A balance between work and leisure is the foundation of a happy and successful life. At TPA, we know this, and that’s why for us work-life balance is not just an empty phrase on a bulletin board.

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