Annual Audit
The aim of both the legally required as well as the voluntary audit is the submission of an audit opinion as to whether the financial statements comply with legal requirements and to provide as accurately as possible an indication of the situation as regards assets, liabilities, cost and revenues. The audits which we can carry […]
Corporate Accounting
The auditors at TPA offer you the following services in group accounting and in accordance with national (SAS) and international (IFRS) accounting principles: Preparation of consolidated financial statements Setting up of group reporting Design of tailored Reporting Packages Preparation of internal handbooks (Group Accounting Manuals) Special questions relating to consolidation Determination of the group of […]
Fraud Investigation & Forensic Audit
Every company can be affected by fraud, bribery and corruption. Financial losses and a great damage to one’s reputation and image can follow. Professionals have discovered that the risk of fraudulent conduct increases: the greater the possibilities to do so are the easier the inner justification the greater the pressure or inducement Our Fraud Investigation […]