How to find us in Košice?
The TPA Slovakia branch in Košice is located close to the city centre in the premises of Business Centre Košice, Tower B, Štúrova 27. The building is situated in the Old Town, close to the Regional Court.
If using a GPS device or Satnav to navigate to our address, you should enter the coordinates: 48.717647, 21.250587
Visitors arriving by car are recommend to use the paid PARKING spaces located in the Business Centre Košice area. There are also a limited number of FREE parking spots available nearby.
The entrance to the public car park is from Kuzmányho Street.
When entering the building you will be required to register at the RECEPTION located on the ground floor, where you will receive a visitor’s pass and some further instructions. TPA Slovakia can be found on the 9th floor.
We look forward to your visit!