The purchase or sale of a company or its part is a serious business decision with great possibilities but also risks.
Due Diligence (DD) denotes the „due care“ with which the subject of an acquisition or a public offering will be investigated when companies, allotments in companies, real estate or public offerings are to be bought or sold.
Due Diligence examinations analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the object as well as the risks connected with the purchase or the public offering whereby the object is assessed. A careful analysis and evaluation of the target company will become increasingly important (“Due Diligence”) as information asymmetries between seller and purchaser have to be broken down, chances and risks of the target company have to be correctly evaluated and „deal breakers“ have to be identified in good time.
TPA can offer you the following for company transactions:
- Tax-optimised solutions to company transactions from the perspective of seller and buyer
- Tax-optimised financing
- Tax due diligence
- Post-acquisition tax structuring
- Tax-optimised optimisation of restructuring
- Minimisation of transactions costs
- Realisation of losses brought forward
- Formation of tax causes
- Support at negotiations
- Corporate assessments